Sep. 21, 2015
Alafia! As promised I have been honoring the gift of teaching! I’ve been up at 4am an in my class in Plainfield by 7:00 every morning since September 1. What I have not been able to do is honor why I was born which is to perform. 😔To be a good teacher is to be consumed with detail….my classroom is beautiful and my mixed class of 3, 4 and 5 year olds are on point. The district, as all districts do are making demands and deadlines that one needs a Herculean attitude and strength to meet. I will an I do but it means I walk in my class at 7 an I don’t leave until 5:30, I cut and paste on the train and then work another 3 hours when I get home at 7. So as you can imagine the Voice is suffering! I sing everyday but it’s for and with the children I haven’t touched the piano since the end of August nor have I run a vocal scale. Something has got to give! I’m praying and meditating so my spirit is in good shape. You may be thinking that I could work less….that’s coming but at the beginning of the year in a new school district with a new curriculum, and a director that calls all of the co- teachers out of the room for a 5 min. meeting that takes 45min. is a challenge! 😱But I’m handling it and not complaining…well not to much… I deserve to whine just a bit😉anyway because of the love I’m pouring into our future leaders who by the way speak very little if any English will come back to me in abundance! What’s going on in your lives? I don’t get to look at FB often but I’d love to know how you’re feeling? How’s work? How’s your spirit? I’m hugging you wrapping you in gold and setting you down in a field of hope! See it, believe it, create it!!